A shared vision
There was a distinct theme for Life Ed in 2023: consult, collaborate and co-design.
This continues to be reflected in our work with students, teachers and experts in developing the latest evidence-based education material.
It was this approach that also enabled us to create Life Ed’s National Strategy, in partnership with our passionate Network. The result is an achievable, innovative and sustainable plan for our collective future, so that we can reach as many children as possible, for as long as possible, delivering the greatest impact.
Developed over a 12-month period, our National Strategy was shaped through feedback from teams across the country, and driven by input from all Executives, Education Managers, Senior Leaders and Boards across our Life Ed Network.
The Strategy is presented as a five-year road map, with every outcome framed around how and why we should work together to ensure every child thrives.
“While we know that each Life Ed team is as unique as the schools, teachers and students we work with, it was amazing to be able to gather together, share our experiences, learn from each other and plan for future generations in a way that we have not done before,” shared Russell D’Costa, CEO of Life Ed Australia.