Life Ed can help you navigate tricky situations.
At Life Ed we believe every child deserves to thrive. So, what does that mean for you? Why is it important to Thrive? Thriving is simply being the best you can be. Living to your potential. We know you have potential and Life Ed can help you find your way through the tricky situations and challenges you will face and may already be facing along the way.
As a young person, you’re our number one priority! We always want to hear how we can help you and we speak to thousands of teachers throughout the country every day to hear about the challenges you might be facing. We help by providing important life skills and help answer questions such as:
- Which foods should I eat to feel strong and to help me concentrate?
- What should I do if someone online is trying to make friends with me? What signals should I look out for?
- How do I deal with bullies?
- What is consent and what is peer pressure?
- How do I understand my responsibilities and consequences?
- What does alcohol, drugs and vaping do to my body?
Life Ed visits thousands of schools across Australia teaching children and young people aged 3-13 and sometimes teens too. You may have had a visit from our iconic mascot Healthy Harold; or, you may have just heard about him; he is pretty famous in the giraffe universe. Whether you have had a visit from Life Ed or not we are always here to provide lots of useful resources for you to explore that can help you to make safer, healthier and happier choices.