Ways to Get Involved

How we work
with schools

We work with teachers and schools to deliver tailored face-to-face health and wellbeing education through a modular program.

Life Ed offers 12 purpose built, issue specific and age-appropriate primary school modules designed to engage, inspire and empower students. These modules are delivered face to face and cover a range of topics across the areas of physical health, safety and social and emotional wellbeing. The Life Ed program is designed to be integrated into the primary curriculum and all modules are all aligned to the Australian Curriculum Health and Physical Education Learning Area and other Learning Areas and General Capabilities

Our program focus areas

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Physical Health
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Social & Emotional Wellbeing

We provide a flexible and customisable approach

Life Ed works closely with schools to understand the needs of the students, and provide a tailored approach to health education.

You can pick the topics you want covered and have them delivered in a time that suits your school.

We deliver a fun and engaging learning experience

Our research has shown us that memorable learning happens when expertise is combined with a fun and engaging experience.

We have a holistic approach to preventative health

We engage the entire school community; students, teachers and parents. It's an approach designed to impact the health and well being of Australia.

Our program is most effective when students are engaged before and after a visit from Life Ed. To make this possible, we’ve designed pre and post digital lessons for teachers to use in the classroom and resources for parents to follow up at home.

Your Life Ed school booking includes: 

  • A pre-visit consultation to understand the needs of your learners and customise the learning outcomes to suit your class
  • Your choice of curriculum aligned module
  • Your choice of delivery method that is available in your area and best suits your needs
  • A specialist Life Ed Educator to deliver the lesson to your students
  • A unique, impactful and memorable experience for your students
  • Pre and post visit digital teacher lessons to facilitate with your students in your classroom to deepen the learning outcomes.
  • Customised parent information sessions. 

How do our school visits work?

Life Ed program sessions are delivered in our Mobile or Pop Up Classrooms or 'virtually' by our specialist educators.
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1. Booking

Want to know if Life Ed already comes to your child's school or arrange a visit if it doesn't? You can also use this form and we'll get back to you.
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2. Get a head start

We support primary school teachers with developed educational resources before our visit.
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3. Visit

Each session is designed to intrigue, excite and prompt further learning. Joined by, Healthy Harold, our specially trained educators bring to life lessons that empower children to make safer and healthier choices, now and in the future.
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4. Continued learning

Designed to support teachers in the classroom before and after our visit, we also have developed educational apps and parent resources to extend the learning at home.
Topics We Cover
Browsing the internet, online gaming, social media and streaming media - the use of online technology is growing every day. We prepare children to make safe choices online for themselves and others they interact with. Ranging from browser and security tips to being a responsible digital citizen.

Relevant modules:

- bCyberwise
- Relate, Respect, Connect
Health education is key to preventing harms associated with the misuse of alcohol and other drugs. Our approach to drug education is building year on year with age and stage appropriate content and delivery methods, which are linked to both the Australian Curriculum and the NSW PDHPE Syllabus. In preschool and lower-middle primary school children learn about safety around medicines, in upper primary, our Decisions module teaches children about the effects that legal and illegal drugs have on the body and our Face The Facts module extends the learning for secondary school students.

Relevant modules:

- Decisions
- Think Twice
'You are what you eat' doesn't have a literal meaning but is a good representation of our approach to food and nutrition. By sharing with students the impact different foods have on our bodies, they are able to make informed (and healthier) choices.

Relevant modules:

- My Body Matters
- The Inside Story
- Growing Good Friends
Our preschool and early primary modules cover four key areas of safety:

- Sun safety: making healthy choices in the sun.
- Water safety: staying safe in and around the water.
- Road safety: how to stay safe on and near roads.
- Personal safety: seeking safe spaces and how friends can support us.

Relevant modules:

- Super Safe Harold
- Harold's Big Feelings
- My Body Matters
- Safety Rules
- Growing Good Friends
Healthy Harold loves to be active, and so do we! Not limited by our Mobile Learning Centres, our educators encourage all participants (including the teachers) to get physically active during our sessions. This helps students to understand the difference being active, or not, makes to our health.

We do not strictly dictate that children should exercise (program-driven) or play sport (as barriers may prevent some from taking part) specifically. Everyone can choose to be active, however, in a way that suits their needs and situation.

Relevant modules:

- My Body Matters
- The Inside Story
- Growing Good Friends
Building year on year with age-appropriate and relevant content around friendships, respectful relationships, bullying and understanding emotions our emotions. The modules listed below have grown in popularity as we realised the critical nature of these skills in our community.

Relevant modules:

- Harold's Friend Ship
- Growing Good Friends
- Friends & Feelings
- Relate, Respect, Connect
- Think Twice
Exploring the wonder and amazing design on the human body. Our program helps children better understand their bodies; their brilliant design and workings, how to care for them and how they are impacted by our choices.

Relevant modules

- My Body Matters
- The Inside Story
- Think Twice
- Decisions